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Deluxe 0-4-0 Electric Chassis
Making an ideal basis for a scratch built diesel or steam outline loco, this chassis has a heavy duty motor and  gearbox with 30:1 heavy duty gears. Wheels are insulated steel and are coupled by updadated fly cranks and coupling rods.Also  wheels  can be adjusted  to 32mm or 45 mm gauge, and the 1/8” axles run in brass bearings.switches are included and our speed controllers can be fitted if required or radio control can also be fitted but not an item we supply. The chassis is in kit form and just requires assembly. 


Dimensions,  Wheelbase: 60mm. Wheel Diameter: 32mm. Chassis length (buffer beam to buffer beam): 200mm. 
Width: 90mm.  Motor: 4.8 to 12 volt.

Deluxe Heavy Duty Chassis Dual Gauge

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